Having an accurate address database can help businesses communicate with customers more effectively. It can also help prevent fraudulent charges. In addition, it can reduce the costs of returned mail. Having accurate addresses can also improve your customer's experience and boost your sales.
Address verification solutions are software solutions that are designed to validate addresses. These solutions standardize address data, remove invalid addresses from large databases, and ensure correct address formatting. This can help businesses reduce fraudulent charges and improve operational efficiency.
An address verification solution uses a Javascript API that checks a numeric portion of a address against an authoritative database. The results are then verified with another data source to ensure accurate address data.
Address verification solutions can be integrated into a business's existing ERP system or CRM system. They can also be used for batch or real-time address validation. They can also be customized to the business's needs.
Precisely solutions use neural network-based techniques to parse data automatically. They also understand the structure of the data, which helps businesses accelerate their address verification projects. They are easy to implement, can be deployed in batch or real-time, and can be customized to the business's needs.
Address verification solutions can also be used to remove invalid addresses from mailing lists. The United States Postal Service (USPS) estimates that five percent of all mail is returned as undeliverable. This costs companies up to $25 per delivery.
The E-commerce industry faces losses in revenue from returned shipments. It also faces risks of customer abandonment. This can be avoided with fewer checkout fields and guest checkout options. The address verification solutions can help improve operational efficiency, speed up the buying process, and minimize chargebacks.
Address verification solutions can be used to ensure that addresses are properly formatted to prevent misplaced orders. They can also help improve operational efficiency and boost sales. They can also help companies keep up with USPS and Canada postal regulations.
An ideal address verification solution will have multiple layers of operational redundancy, cloud and traditional physical data centers, and data centers in different parts of the world. It should also deliver results in real time.
The USPS estimates that there are eight billion pieces of mail sent every year. This adds up to significant business expenses. If businesses can avoid returning deliveries, they can help prevent fraudulent charges and improve sales. With an address verification solution, businesses can ensure that their mailing lists are up to USPS standards, which will help prevent fraud. They can also boost operational efficiency, reduce the cost of returned mail, and improve customer service. It is important to find the right address verification solution to ensure a clean address database. You can also improve the effectiveness of your mailing lists by integrating them into your software applications. These solutions can help businesses boost operational efficiency and improve their sales.
When choosing an address verification solution, the best practice is to validate address data as you supply it. A software provider's privacy and security policy should also be a key factor in your evaluation.